Stories from: St Mary’s Hall Studio Theatre - Canterbury


Tomatoes and Cadbury’s Chocolate

My mother loved tomatoes and cadbury’s chocolate. When she died in 2014 I felt that the last service I could

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Make Up Kit

My story is about being allowed to look after my friend who died and taking her make up kit to

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We had no Advice

My experience of death was my husband who died in 10 weeks from diagnoses which was sugared with hope. Doctors

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Happy To All

Over 20 years ago I was a care assistant for a man named Arthur – nicknamed ‘Happy’ and known as

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Dead White Hen

When my 3 daughters were 4, 6 and 7 the youngest placed our dead white hen in a trolley, on

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Such a Gentleman

When my father died recently I wanted to know everything that happened just before he died. I was not there

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Chicken Frank

My nephew was 5 when Uncle Frank died. He was not allowed to the funeral. A few weeks later when

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Following The Coffin

On the way to my Grandad’s funeral something happened, (I can’t remember what) and I said to my 15 year

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Must Make it Meaningful

As a Buddhist Nun I contemplate daily my own death which can happen at any time. This contemplation leads me

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Any clothes on in there?

Our grandson came with us to his auntie’s funeral. He asked me, ‘Nana can I ask you a question? Has

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