Stories from: Chapel Lawn Village Hall, Shropshire


Going to Talk

I’m going to talk to my Dad about his wishes. He’s 90, but he’s very well and active. I can

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Rose Bed

When my mother was cremated, my brother and I decided to scatter her ashes on the same rose bed my

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Didn’t Know How

My dad died of cancer just before I was 17. I was an only child and very close to my

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Amazing Experience

Many years ago I was teaching a six-year-old West Indian boy. He as a delightful child; cheerful lively and great

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Red Admiral 

When my sister-in-law was buried in a woven casket, during the service a butterfly was fluttering at the stained glass

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Lock of Hair

After my Mum died my Dad and I went to see her in the chapel of rest. They had made

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Meaningful Death

I saw my first dead body when I was about 9 or 10. A man had taken his life jumping

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My Possessions

I talked to my children about which of my possessions they’d like. My son said ‘the hose and the car’.

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Death and Funerals

Are death and funerals for the living or the dead?

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