Stories from: End of Life Conference, Eden Project, Cornwall

Not on Duty
When my mother died my sister and I were present. The GP who came out to verify her death was
Read moreDon’t Ignore the Children
My dad put me to bed (as usual) and as usual in the morning I heard him come up the
Read moreHeart in Life, Heart in Death
Thank you for enlightening me around the subject of death and dying choices. Whilst the heart of the person stops
Read moreLovely Day
Husband cremated 5 years ago. Collective arrangements by my 3 children – 21, 17 and 13 – who all chose
Read moreHow She Laughed
My gran was 97 when she died, but the coroner said she couldn’t die of old age (it’s not allowed
Read moreFlown to Jamaica
Patricia told me she had left it too late! She should have flown to Jamaica, lain on the beach with
Read moreIn Denial
Do not entirely dismiss denial as an unsatisfactory but effective puaiilative measure. (Patients should not be ‘made’ to know) ‘Life
Read moreMemories and Tears
My Nana passed away early a year ago (28th June) and it was unexpected. She had leukaemia and pneumonia. She
Read moreMade This Normal
A little story of my first encounter with someone who had died. Myself and my brother got on and off
Read moreFewer Regrets
A close friend of ours nearly died 4 years ago having a massive heart attach and being in a coma
Read moreSticky Labels
My 90 year old step mother in law has put sticky labels on the bottom of all her favourite ornaments
Read moreSudden Realisation
A man dying in a care home for adults with learning disabilities. Staff trained in palliative care by local Macmillan
Read moreFree at Last
I managed to ‘rescue’ my 97 year old aunt from hospital. They warned me ‘she could die in the ambulance’
Read moreCardboard Coffin
One of my dear friends chose a natural burial, and had a year to prepare. He bought his reinforced cardboard
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