Stories from: Summerhall, Edinburgh

Staying at home
My Dad’s body was at home for a week in winter and did smell awfully after two days so he
Read moreIn the way
As a farmer’s wife I decided I’d like to be buried right in the centre of our biggest flattest field
Read moreSmoke gets in your eyes
My own experience has been of home death of a partner divorced but reconciled. Could not have the funeral we
Read moreAnother daddy
Sitting on a bench on the top of a hill, after shouting “hello” into the world, my 3 year old
Read moreKeeping her alive
My wife Yeal died at the age of 31, a couple of months after giving birth since then I kept
Read moreBiodegradable cremation
My mother left a letter describing what she wanted after her death. This included a bio-degradable coffin. Further on in
Read moreBones in a bin liner
A Brazilian friend of mine told me that after her dad died, her brother kept his bones in a bin
Read moreCelebration or not?
I feel that the current custom of funerals “celebrating the life of” often conceals and impedes the expression of grief
Read moreUncarers
We sat with out 94 year old father while he died all day of pneumonia – at about 8 pm
Read moreSocial Denial
Not a story but a suggestion. As our society is increasingly death denying it makes it much harder for those
Read moreThe Prince of Egypt
The first death I know about was my great grandmother. I was quite young, maybe 4 or 5 and was
Read moreThunderclap
My father was of the “Just put me in a binbag” conversation re his funeral. At the undertaker, however, when
Read moreTea Music
When I had a brush with cancer I started deciding on funeral music. When I mentioned it to some people
Read moreMatriculating
I’ve been seeing those golden points all my life. I have lately begun to speculate that they are my matriculating
Read moreStrange taboos
I met an old lady who told me that when she was a little girl her mother handed her the
Read moreDealing with death
When I was 9 years old my father taught me how to lay out the dead when one of the
Read moreBalloon Ride 2
My sister’s husband died days after his fiftieth birthday. She wanted to take him home from hospital to put him
Read moreOma Wacka
So when Oma Wacka died I was probably 12. She had always been somewhere around, in the garden or the
Read moreNana
It was a couple of years ago. I was stage crewing for a show. I was encouraged by my family
Read moreBox or bin liner?
I have always been fascinated by death, not necessarily from a morbid perspective. From an early age I recognised it
Read moreFirst death
When I was a little boy my goldfish died. It was still, in its bowl, lying one eye up on
Read moreLeaving Party
A friend of the family, my dad’s old school friend, threw a party when she learn she had incurable cancer.
Read moreFear
Dying, that I’m not afraid of………like most people, more afraid of a painful death than death itself,
Read moreBeep
I remember watching my great aunt pass. My cousin messaged to tell us the time was close. It was the
Read moreWithdrawal
When I was around 8 years old my great-grandmother died at the age of 99. Around two weeks before I
Read moreOverheating
My Dad died last year (2015). He was Irish, brought up Catholic and we had him cremated here in England
Read moreEverything went wrong
I wish I had seen this before my grandparents died. One quick story. At my grandad’s funeral (same crematorium for
Read moreGrief
I was a nurse for 44 years, worked on ICU, hospices and labour. My own Dad just died at 88
Read moreNurse stories
(Worked as a Macmillan nurse within the Edinburgh community) A 70 year old woman who has never taken alcohol, found
Read moreCountdown
In the last days before he died my husband asked to watch the TV (very unusual). He said he wanted
Read moreVolvo for sale
When my Nan was on her deathbed she was asked about her obituary. She said: “I want… Margret Hampson Died peacefully
Read moreTom Beetroot
Once we had a rabbit (Tom Beetroot) who escaped from his hutch. We all thought he was dead for about
Read moreDead crow
Once on a shamanic journey I had the experience of BEING DEAD. I was a dead crow, on my back,
Read moreFiddlers at the grave
I have a story for you Liz, which I heard from my friend Ros at the funeral of our friend.
Read moreRoses and dresses
I am 26 years old and in the last year I have died almost twice. As a Greek Orthodox and
Read moreJacqueline Wilson
When my auntie died, who was also my Godmother, it was the first funeral I had ever been to and
Read moreWith Nellie
Toby’s mum is buried [ashes] on our allotment along with our dog, Nellie. Pam would be very pleased as she’s
Read moreMemorial
When my mother died in 1998 we thought it would be good to busy her ashes and create a memorial
Read moreSorry for your loss
In our western culture, we naturally say “sorry” to those grieving for a deceased one. After seeing this show, I
Read moreThe right way and the army way
I was very nervous to visit my father’s grave once I received word that his stone had been engraved. This
Read moreDenial
I asked my mother what my grandma wanted for her funeral (my grandma was very unwell at the time and
Read moreWashed
I was especially touched by your washing story, when you have a child you are so protective of who cares
Read moreWashing
I could never wash my parent’s bodies. My mother died 6 years ago and she would have been horrified for
Read moreNursing
I can relate to many of your stories, being a nurse I have witnessed all aspects of death. I feel
Read moreBalloon ride
A brief story of my sister whose husband died days after his 50th birthday. She wanted to take him home
Read moreModest receptacle
I felt under pressure when planning my father’s funeral to keep his brother ‘happy’ by going with more elaborate coffin
Read moreBeer toast
When my grandmother died I was away, in Germany, and as I knew about her death I bought a beer
Read moreLife support
When my grandpa had a massive stroke and was taken to hospital and it became clear he would not recover,
Read moreCatharsis
My friend’s dad died when we were both 17 and her mum’s valentine friend organised an evening where her and
Read moreConnection
I am 20 and I have been surprised with two pregnancies and have gone through the process of having an
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